kurtararak onun gözdesi oldu.
Sarayda bir odası, çevresinde
onunla ilgilenen birçok insan
vardı ama o rahat durmuyor,
başını derde sokmak için
elinden geleni yapmaya
devam ediyordu. Senatör onu
korumak ve de daha fazla
eğitim almasını sağlamak için,
Casanova’nın her zaman ikinci
memleketi olarak gördüğü
Paris’e gönderdi. 30 yaşında
tutuklanması, beklenmeyen
ve anlam veremediği bir
durumdu. Bu tutuklanmanın
birçok sebebi olabileceğini
düşündü ve ihtimalleri, yazdığı
otobiyografisinde de sıraladı.
Ancak diğer gerçekler gibi,
bu gerçekte Casanova
öldükten sonra ortaya çıktı
ve resmi kayıtlara göre
suçlu olduğu konu “kutsal
dini alenen aşağılamak”tı.
Casanova önünde hiçbir
engel tanımayan, daima
bildiğini okuyan karakteriyle
bu durumdan da kurtuldu;
hapishaneden kaçarak bir
şekilde hayatının geri kalanını
milyoner olarak sürdürmeyi
başardı. 1774 yılında af
çıkıp yeniden Venedik’e
dönebileceği güne dek dünyayı
dolaştı. Ünlü müzisyenler,
yazarlar, sanatçılar,
siyasetçiler gibi tarihte yeri
olan birçok insanı ağırladığı
“Dux Şatosu”nda kütüphane
sorumlusu olarak görev yaptı.
Yaptığı ve muhtemelen sayısını
kendi bile hesaplayamadığı
yolculuklarından sonra ve
politikacı, filozof, sihirbaz,
diplomat vb. kimliklerinin
yanı sıra bir yazar olarak
burada yaşadı ve 12 ciltlik
otobiyografisini de burada
yazdı. Öldüğü 1798 yılına dek,
küçük yaşlarda kendi için
çizdiği yoldan hiç şaşmadı
Casanova. Başkalarına göre
doğru ya da yanlıştı ama en
azından kendi seçimiydi ve
ona göre bu, diğer her şeyden
önemliydi. Hayatı boyunca
bildiğini okudu, bu amaçla
çıktığı yolda yaşadıklarını da
Don Juan bir efsaneydi
ama Casanova efsanevi bir
“kişi”ydi. Casanova sevmeyi
seven, aşka derin bir tutkuyla
bağlı; istediği her kadını elde
edip onlarla birlikte olduktan
sonra da hayatlarında kalmaya
devam edecek kadar “iyi” bir
adamdı. Don Juan ise sadece
kadınlarla birlikte olmayı seven,
hazlarının peşinde koşarken
kimsenin duygularını ve
düşüncelerini umursamayan,
ruhunda hiçbir derinlik
taşımayan bir hayal ürünüydü.
Tek ortak noktaları aşktı. Ama
aşk biri için hayatının her anını
dolduran en değerli varlığı,
yol göstericisiyken; diğerinin
istediği kadını elde etmek için
kullandığı bir tuzaktı. Aşkın iki
farklı yakasında yer alan bu
iki farklı adam, hiçbir zaman
ve hiçbir şekilde bir araya
other hand, he taught himself to
be a complete gentleman and
was growing by taking fencing,
horse-riding, violin and dance
The fact that women could
not reject a man with such
knowledge, manners, education,
attitude, artistic spirit, kindness
and all other qualities he
developed ever since his
childhood in fact should not
come as a surprise. Casanova’s
interest towards women and his
influence on them both started
when he was very young. Most of
the time he ended up in getting
himself in trouble; he had many
“narrow escapes” from the anger
and aggression of the lovers
or husbands of all the women
he seduced, but in the end he
never gave up. Just as the way
it was shown in the movie where
Heath Ledger played his role
successfully... According to many,
it is not really correct to believe
that Casanova, who came to his
senses with love and found the
true way in the movie, will change
his entire life and perspective
when he meets the right woman.
According to many who root for
Casanova, he was a romantic in
love with women and touched
the souls of women; he admired
the aesthetic of their outer beauty
and respected their personality.
He traveled many countries in
the world, from most of which he
was deported or had to run away
due to the scandals he caused.
It is told that deciding he wanted
to be a soldier, he even came
all the way to Istanbul. However,
when he understood that being a
soldier is also not what he seeks
for, he turned back to his family
in Venice and made his living by
playing the violin for some time.
By a stroke of luck, he saved
the life of an old senator and
he won the senator’s favor. He
had a room in the palace and
many people around him taking
care of him, yet he just could
not behave himself and seemed
to do whatever necessary that
needed to get himself in trouble.
In order to protect him and to
allow him to receive further
education, the senator sent
Casanova to Paris, the city he
considered to be his second
home. His arrest at 30 years of
age was an unexpected case,
the reasons of which he could
not find out. He thought that this
arrest could have many reasons
and he listed the possible
reasons in the autobiography he
wrote later. However, as the other
facts, also this was revealed after
Casanova’s death and according
to the official reports; Casanova
was found guilty for “openly
insulting the holy religion”. With
his character that knows no
boundaries and always does
what he believes to be right,
Casanova also escaped from
this situation by actually making
his escape from the prison, and
somehow managed to live the
rest of his life as a millionaire. He
traveled the world until 1774 when
an amnesty was granted and thus
he could turn back to Venice.
He worked as a librarian in the
“Chateau Dux” where he hosted
many historically significant
individuals such as famous
musicians, authors, artists and
politicians. After the all the travels
he had, the number of which
was most probably unknown
even to him, and in addition
to his identities of politician,
philosopher, illusionist and
diplomat, he wrote his 12-volume
autobiography here. Until the
year 1798 when he passed away,
Casanova never deviated from
the path he drew for himself in
his young ages. It may have been
right or wrong for others, but he
knew that it was his own choice
and that was most important
thing. All his life, he followed
his own way and wrote what he
experienced in this way.
While Don Juan was a legend,
Casanova was a legendary
“person”. Casanova was a good
man that loved loving, committed
to love with a deep passion,
wining every woman he desired
and kept on staying in their lives.
Don Juan on the other hand was
a work of imagination that had no
depth in his soul, who only liked
to be with women, did not care
people’s feelings and thoughts
while running from pleasure to
pleasure. The only thing they had
in common was love. However,
while for one love meant his most
precious wealth, his guide, for
the other it was a trap he used to
conquer any woman he desired.
These two distinctive men on the
two different sides of love could
never come together in any way.
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universal art