Dergi Bursa Subat 2015 - page 91

1864’te Fransa’nın güneyinde
aristokrat bir ailenin ilk çocuğu
olarak dünyaya geldi. Babası
Kont Alphonse oldukça ilginç
bir adamdı. Zengin ve köklü bir
ailenin erkeğine yakışmayacak
davranışlara sahipti. Bir gün
nehirde çoraplarını yıkarken
görünür, başka bir gün
ava tuhaf giysilerle giderdi.
Aklına estiğinde kapıyı
çekip gider ve eve günlerce
dönmezdi. Dolayısıyla Hendi
de Tolulouse Lautrec, ailede
sağlıklı ve kendisine rol
model olabilecek bir “baba”
figüründen yoksundu. Babası
ve annesi kuzendi. Doğuştan
sayısız sağlık problemiyle
boğuşmak zorunda kaldı.
13 yaşında sağ, 14 yaşında
sol uyluk kemiği kırıldı ve bir
daha tam olarak iyileşemedi.
Bacaklarının gelişmesi aniden
durmuştu ve ergenliğin en
fırtınalı döneminde Lautrec’in
He was born in 1864 in southern
France as the only child of an
aristocratic family. His father
Count Alphonse was quite an
interesting man. He had the
manners that did not suit the men
of a rich and established family.
One day he was seen washing
his socks in the river and the next
day he would go hunting in weird
clothes. He just slammed the
door and left for days whenever
he felt like it. That is why Henri
de Tolulouse Lautrec was devoid
of a “father” figure who could
be a role model for himself. His
father and mother were cousins.
He had to struggle against many
health problems starting from
his birth. His right femur was
broken when he was 13 and his
left femur when he was 14 and
they never healed completely.
The growth of his legs had
suddenly stopped and Lautrec’s
feeble legs were a mere 70 cm
during the most tumultuous
times of adolescence. Doctors
had thought that this disease
was pyknodysostosis due to
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