Dergi Bursa Ekim 2017 - Sayı 45

48 doğum yeri bursa born in bursa “There is no talented soccer player. Every child is born talented. When we were children, we were making paper balls from newspaper pages and playing with it in the streets. Before Bursaspor was established, there were five Bursa teams, my love of soccer started with them and kept growing with Bursaspor. “Yetenekli futbolcu olmaz. Her çocuk yetenekli doğar. Çocukluk yıllarımızda sokak aralarında gazete sayfalarından top yapıp oynardık. Bursaspor kurulmadan önce beş Bursa takımı vardı, futbol aşkım o takımlarla başladı, Bursaspor ile alevlendi.” A Bursaspor Legend… Bir Bursaspor efsanesi… 30 Ağustos 1953 Bursa doğumlu yeşil-beyaz bir futbol efsanesi o… Bursa’nın amatör takımlarında yetişmiş, Metin Oktay’ın beğenisini ve desteğini almış, Time Dergisi’ne kapak olmuş; tüm yeteneklerini, başarılarını memleketine adamış bir isim. A Milli formayı en çok giyen Bursasporlu futbolcu Sedat Özden, nam-ı diğer “Sedat 3” ile Bursa’yı, Bursaspor’u ve onun başarılarını konuştuk. Futbol hayatınız nasıl başladı? Yetenekli futbolcu olmaz. Her çocuk yetenekli doğar. Çocukluk yıllarımızda sokak aralarında gazete sayfalarından top yapıp oynardık. Bizim yeteneklerimizi mahalle ağabeyleri keşfeder, beğenirlerse “Bu çocuktan olur” derlerdi. Bursaspor kurulmadan önce beş Bursa takımı vardı, futbol aşkım o takımlarla başladı, Bursaspor’la alevlendi. Okuldan kaçar He is a soccer legend in green- white colors, born in Bursa on the 30th of August 1953… Raised in amateur teams of Bursa, attracted the attention of Metin Oktay thus gaining his support, was featured on the cover of Time magazine; devoting all his talent and success to his country. We came together with Sedat Özden, a.ka . “Sedat 3”, soccer player from Bursaspor who took part in the national team roster the most to talk about Bursa, Bursaspor and its successes. How did your soccer life begin? There is no talented soccer player. Every child is born talented. We used to make balls out of newspapers and play on the streets during my childhood. Our talents were usually noticed by our big brothers in the neighborhood and they would say “this kid is good” if they liked the way we played. There were 5 teams in Bursa before the establishment of Bursaspor and my love of soccer started with those teams and grew with Bursaspor. I used to flee from the school to watch Bursaspor matches. I played for many amateur teams. My latest amateur team experience was my 1 year experience with Bursa Gençlerbirliği. I was transferred to Bursaspor at the age of 18 when Metin Oktay saw some light in me after watching the way I played for Bursa Gençlerbirliği and said, “Take this kid to Bursapor”. What did you learn from Metin Oktay and during the time you spent with him? I learned a lot from him. He is one of the all-time best players in Turkey. He used to say, “You should see the goalpost even with your back to it. You must have eyes at the back of your head as well”. He showed me how to kick the ball and where I should keep my balancing foot. He saw the light and will in my eyes. I trained a lot in order to improve myself. Sedat Özden Röportaj: Aleyna Yemenici