Dergi Bursa / Ocak - Şubat 2018 / Sayı 47
56 sonra, geldiği Bursa’da da çok sevilen Molla Arap, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman ile birlikte çıktığı Macaristan Seferi’nin ardından Bursa’ya yerleşmiş. Adını verdiği 9 kubbeli Molla Arap Cami’sini ve medresesini yaptırmış ancak inşaatın bittiğini görmeye ömrü yetmemiş. Geçimini ticaretle sağlayan Molla Arap, hayatı boyunca gittiği ve yaşadığı yerlerde birçok öğrenci yetiştirmiş. Kara Fatma Bursa’nın kurtuluşu için canını ortaya koyan Fatma Seher Erden, nam-ı diğer Kara Fatma… Erzurum doğumlu kadın kahramanımız, bir subayla evlendikten sonra Balkan Savaşı’na katılmış. Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda, Kafkas Cephesi’nde etkin rol oynayan Kara Fatma, eşi Sarıkamış’ta şehit olunca Erzurum’a geri dönmüş. İzmir’in işgalinde, 1. ve 2. İnönü, Sakarya ve Dumlupınar savaşlarında da görev aldıktan sonra Büyük Taarruz’un ilk günlerinde esir düşmüş. Kaçıp kurtulduktan sonra yeniden ordusunun başına geçmiş ve Bursa’nın Yunan işgalinden kurtuluşunda önemli bir rol oynamış. Veysel Karani Ömrü boyunca tek dileği Hz. Muhammed’i görmek olan Veysel Karani, rivayete göre kendisini değil ama Hz. Ali aracılığıyla kendisine gönderdiği, bugün aynı adı taşıyan camide, yalnızca Ramazan aylarında ziyaretçi kabul eden Hırka-i Şerif’i giyme şerefine erişmiş. Veysel Karani’nin 3 farklı yerde türbesinin olma nedeni ise yine bir rivayete dayanıyor. Anlatılanlara göre Karani öldüğünde, öyle çok seveni varmış ki naaşını almak için 3 farklı yerden gelip Hz. Ali’nin kapısına dayanmışlar. Hz. Ali sabaha bir çare bulma umuduyla onları bir gece misafir etmiş. Sabah uyanan misafirler, yanlarında getirdikleri boş tabutların içinde Karani’nin cansız bedenini bulmuş ve memleketlerine gömmek üzere yola koyulmuşlar. Derler ki bu mucize, kullarının birbirine düşmesini istemeyen Allah’tan gelmiş. courses of Somuncu Baba who has lived for a long time in Bursa. Indeed, when one day Somuncu Baba has decided to leave the city, he has asked for a prayer for Bursa before leaving. Somuncu Baba has prayed for Bursa to be fruitful and green forever when Molla Fenari caught up with him at what is now known as the Plane Tree of Prayer. Molla Arap The name of Molla Arap lives on in a district and throughout his life he has been loved and well-known thanks to his preaching and conversations. After coming back from Egypt where he lived for a long time, he has become a favorite among the public thus settling down in Bursa following the Hungary Expedition took part in together with Kanuni Sultan Süleyman. He has ordered the building of the Molla Arap Mosque with 9 domes that carries his name along with the madrasa, however failing to see the completion of the construction. Molla Arap worked as a merchant and has trained many students at all the different locations he went to throughout his life. Kara Fatma Fatma Seher Erden, known as Kara Fatma, who risked her life for the liberation of Bursa… Our heroic lady born in Erzurum has enlisted for the Balkan War after marrying a military officer. Kara Fatma has played an active role during the First World War at the Caucasus Front only to return to Erzurum after her husband passed away at Sarıkamış. She has took part during the occupation of Izmir, 1st and 2nd Inonu, Sakarya and Dumlupınar wars after taken as a prisoner during the first days of the Great Offensive. She returned to her army as their leader following her escape and played an important role in the liberation of Bursa from the Greek occupation. Veysel Karani The one wish of Veysel Karani throughout his life was to see the Prophet Mohammad and rumor has it that he could not see the Prophet himself but had the honor of wearing the Hırka-i Şerif(2) at the mosque known today with the same name which was brought to him by way of Hz. Ali. The reason why there are 3 shrines for Veysel Karani at different locations is also based on a rumor. According to what is now told among the public, Karani was loved by so many people that people have come from 3 different locations to Hz. Ali’s door in order to pick up the body. Hz. Ali has accepted them as his guests until the morning in the hope of finding a way to solve this issue. The guests who woke up in the morning have found the lifeless body of Karani in the empty coffins they had with them and so they have hit the road towards their hometowns. Legend has it that it was a miracle of Allah who did not want His subjects to fall out with each other. Okçu Baba Another name that played an important role in the conquest of Bursa. According to rumors on Okçu Baba, he has demolished an unsurpassable castle wall just by shooting arrows thereby enabling the conquest to be completed. According to another rumor, Okçu Baba has climbed Uludağ, drawn his bow and said that he wishes to be buried right at the spot where the arrow lands. The arrow he shot on that day has hit somewhere near the Okçu Baba Shrine of today. It Süleyman Çelebi Türbesi manevi spiritual
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