Dergi Bursa / Ocak - Şubat 2018 / Sayı 47
64 yakın plan close up basmış. Vezirler de birer mim koymuşlar söze. Bunun üzerine su perileri sulara dalmış, suları boşaltıp can şehrini çıkartmışlar. Dağ perileri dağlara tırmanıp getirecekleri kadar mermer taş, mermer direk, bir saray kurmuşlar. Onlar köşkü ile, bahçesi ile, suyu ile periler uğraşırken; Hazreti Süleyman, kuşun kanadında dört bir yana haber gönderip cümle ela gözlülere “buyur” etmiş. Nerede var, nerede yok ela gözlüler de gelmiş bu şehre yerleşmiş. Belkıs Sultan da varmış sarayına, tahtına kurulmuş. Şehir de şehir olmuş. Sağ vezir sağ gözüyle görmüş. “Cennet burası” demiş. Meğer sol vezirin kulağı biraz ağır işitirmiş. Sağ vezirin sözünü “Cennet Bursa” anlamasın mı? O gün bugün bu şehrin adı “Bursa” kalmış. Birinci Murat’ın sırrı Söylenceye göre Murat Hüdavendigar, yaptırdığı caminin inşaatında işçi olarak çalışmış. O tarihlerde de Sırp kralı elçisini Bursa’ya göndermiş. Elçi, Murat Hüdavendigar’ı, inşaatta çalışırken bulmuş ve ona Sırp Kralı tarafından gönderildiğini, kralının savaş istediğini söylemiş. Padişah sinirlenerek “Bana bakın, ben burada Allah’ın evini yaptırıyorum, bu inşaat bitmeden beni harbe mecbur kılmayın, aksi halde kralının iki gözünü çıkartırım” demiş. Bunları söylerken iki parmağını da havada sallamış. Ülkesine dönen elçi, kralına bu haberi vermek için saraya dönünce, kralın iki gözünün de çıkartıldığını ve yüzünde harç izleri olduğunu görmüş. Beyaz atlı savaşçı Anlatılan o ki; zamanın birinde Yıldırım Beyazıd savaşa gitmiş. Yıldırım Beyazıd’ın damadı olan Emir Sultan ise Bursa’dan ayrılmamış. Bu duruma Yıldırım Beyazıt’ın karısı ve Emir Sultan’ın places; first of all, their beauty would not fade away if there were somebody to see and hear it. Secondly, human beauty, which is superior to any other beauty, would thus have joined them. Now, you make a point on these words of mine: Let’s make these plateaus our land, build palaces with mansions, gardens and streams… Let’s set here the throne of most beautiful Balkis and place any rose and nightingale she likes.” Before viziers could say a word, a stone find its tongue and began to groan: “Balkis, Balkis.” Thereupon, Solomon immediately gathered his fairies for a talk, but one nymph understood his intention. Thereupon, she began to speak: “Oh Solomon! Once upon a time, a tribe known as ‘Tribe of Soul’ settled hereabouts, but another tribe, called ‘Tribe of Jinn’, set sight on these lands. They fought for a thousand years; in the end, neither could seize the city. A flood arrived and submerged it. Lakes on piedmonts are actually ponding waters following the flood. That city is now beneath one of these ponds.” Hearing these words, Solomon marked his seal. Viziers also underlined it. Thereupon, nymphs dived into water, discharged all water and revealed the city of souls. Mountain nymphs climbed up the hills and brought marble stones, posts in order to build a palace. They were preoccupied with the mansion, garden and streams, while Solomon sent word to four corners of the world on the wings of birds and called over anyone with hazel eyes. Whoever has hazel eyes came and settled in the city. Sultan Balkis also arrived in her palace and snug down her throne. The city became a true city. Right vizier saw through his right eye: “Thus is the heaven,” he said. The left vizier was a bit hard of hearing. Therefore, he mistook the words as “Bursa is the heaven.” Since then, the name “Bursa” stuck with the city. Secret of Murad I According to the myth, Sultan Murad I worked as a labourer in the construction of the mosque he had built. In those days, King of Serbs sent his envoy for Bursa. The envoy found Murad I working at building site, before telling he was sent by Serbian King who called Ottomans for battle. Sultan got angry: “Look here! I am building the house of Allah here; do not force me for battle before the construction is over; otherwise, I put out the eyes of your King.” He wagged his finger at envoy during the speech. Having returned his homeland, the envoy arrived at palace to inform his King; whereupon he found out that both eyes of the king were put out, with stains of mortar around. Cavalry on white horse Once upon a time, Sultan Bayezid I went for a war. His son-in-law Emir Sultan, however, remained in Bursa. His wife, who is also daughter of Bayezid I, was resented such attitude of her husband: “Are you such a person? My father fights on battlefield and you are here.” Emir Sultan answered: “My dear, time is yet to come for me to go to war. Once Allah allows and ordains, that day will come.” A few days later, Emir Sultan, sitting in his tent, raised the an edge slowly and showed the battlefield to his wife. They saw Bayezid I injured on his foot. Ottoman Army was on the verge of defeat, whereupon Emir Sultan stoop up and said his wife: “Now, by Allah, I am going to help your father.” He took the headscarf of his wife and disappeared. At that moment, a cavalry on a white horse appeared on battlefield. The champion defeated whoever faced him. The battle, once on the verge of a defeat, turned into a victory. Emir Sultan wrapped the headscarf of his wife on the injured foot of Bayezid I and disappeared. On his return from victory to Bursa, Bayezid I immediately called for his son- in-law Emir Sultan and yelled: “I don’t want a poor son-in-law like you, who cannot leave the bosom of his wife. My son-in-law must have been like that valiant cavalry who devastated our foes on the field.” Emir Sultan simply apologised and did not reveal that the valiant cavalry was himself. Hundi Hatun, present in Murat Hüdavendigar
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