Dergi Bursa / EYLÜL 2018 / Sayı 50

70 film şeridi storyboard Şarlo, dünya üzerinde filmlerinin gösterildiği her ülkede insanları kendisine hayran bıraktı. Sadece ABD’de kabul görmedi çünkü ABD vatandaşlığını reddetmesi sebebiyle bir karalama kampanyasına maruz kaldı. Kendisinden hayli genç olan kadınlarla yaptığı dört ayrı evlilik, bir dönem kendisine açılan babalık davası, The Immigrant filminde ABD memurunu tekmelediği sahne ve bazı filmlerinin komünizm propagandası olarak yorumlanması ABD’deki başarısını engelledi ve Chaplin’in ABD’ye girmesi yasaklandı. Cevabı ise şu oldu: “Bana komünist dediler. Oysa sadece hümanistim.” Şarlo konan yasaktan sonra karısı ve çocuklarıyla birlikte hayatının sonuna kadar yaşayacağı İsviçre’ye yerleşti. ABD’ye ancak 1972 yılında Oscar campaign for having rejected US citizenship. Four marriages with women much younger than him, paternity suit, his kicking a US officer in The Immigrant impeded his success in United States. Chaplin’s movies were seen as communist propaganda, whereupon he was punished by exclusion from US. “They call me communist, But I am just a humanist,” he replied. Following the exclusion, Chaplin, together with his wife and children, settled in Switzerland where he would spend the rest of his life. He returned to USA only in 1972 in order to accept Honorary Academy Award. The following year, he won another Oscar, this time with City Lights. He attained numerous unforgettable achievements throughout his life. At 86, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II of British Empire... In his lifetime, he saved comedy from monopoly of circuses and cabarets, taking it to a higher, aesthetic level. Each movie by Chaplin became a byword. He became known as “man who mocked Hitler”. The character in The Great Dictator was considered as Hitler himself by many. He was wonderful in acting and also in acting with unique narrative style. Even the US press, not so fond of Chaplin, wrote: “He is better-known than Jesus Christ.” We have many reasons to love Tramp as if he were a friend. He was a friend of Turks. His words for a radio show to be broadcasted in Turkey were interested and created impression in Turkey. In 1943, Chaplin sent a message to Turkish public via Voice of America… Vatan, the journal of Ahment Emin Yalman that quoted words of Chaplin, was shut for two months. Chaplin was making fun of Hitler in The Great Dictator and his approach was not compliant with the then-foreign politics of Turkey, whereupon Yalman suffered such punishment.