da içine almıştı. Liz Taylor,
herkese ve her şeye rağmen
“yuva yıkan kadın” olduğunu
düşünmedi ve eşiyle birlikte
oynadığı “Butterfield 8”
isimli filmde, o güne dek
aday gösterilmekten öteye
gidemediği “Oscar”ına
kavuştu. O artık tescilli
güzelliğinin yanı sıra, tescilli bir
“en iyi kadın oyuncu”ydu. Her
ne kadar artık aşkı aramaktan
vazgeçmiş gibi görünmeye
çalışsa da, yine romantik
hayallere kendini kaptırmış ve
“ömür boyu sürecek bir balayı”
olarak tarif ettiği bu evlilik,
5 yıl sonra sona erdiğinde,
kalbi kırılan yine Taylor
olmuştu. Bir kez daha ayağa
kalkmak ve devam etmek
zorunda olduğunu biliyordu
ve öyle yaptı. 1963 yılında,
dünyanın en yüksek bütçeli
filminde yıllarca konuşulacak
bir performans sergiledi.
Yaklaşık bir milyon dolarlık film
“Cleopatra”, Elizabeth Taylor’un
hem beşinci evliliğine giden
yolu açtı; hem de onu sinema
tarihinde yeri doldurulamaz
bir efsane haline getirdi. Bu
filmde başrolü paylaştığı aktör
Richard Burton ile ölümünden
sonra bile konuşulmaya devam
edecek kadar çalkantılı bir
aşk macerasını da paylaştı.
Birçok insan ve hatta ülke
tarafından Taylor’un “ahlaksız”
bulunmasına sebep olan bu
birliktelik sakıncalıydı, çünkü
başladığında ikisi de başka
insanlarla evliydi.
Taylor’un ikinci Oscar’ına, 1966
yılında “Who’s afraid of Virginia
Wolf” isimli filmiyle kavuştuktan
sonra, eleştirmenlerden
olumlu yorumlar almayan
performanslar sergilemeye
The one million dollar movie titled
“Cleopatra” paved the way to the
fifth marriage of Elizabeth Taylor
as well as making her a legend in
the history of cinema. She had a
turbulent love affair with Richard
Burton, the lead actor in the same
movie which would be talked
about even after her death. This
affair that caused Taylor to be
deemed as “immoral” by many
was unpleasant since at the time
the affair started both parties
were married to other people.
Following her second Oscar
in 1966 with her role in the
movie “Who’s Afraid of Virginia
Wolf” she started taking roles
in productions that were not as
successful and her acting did
not receive as positive reviews
as it once did. She also took part
in TV productions in addition to
cinema projects. The couple that
shared the same life as well as
the same productions during the
70s divorced and married twice
in 1964 and 1976. She made
her next marriage following her
second divorce from Burton.
She stayed married with the
US senator John Warner for
6 years. The large void in her
life was still not filled, her soul
and heart were sentenced to a
doomed loneliness. Physically
too, she had pains that she had
to endure all her life. Her mother
had no other desire but to make
a “star” out of her daughter and
had convinced Liz to have an
operation for her shortness.
The height of Liz increased by
3 cm following the operation
but she went through pains that
caused her to go through about
50 more operations. Because
this operation had damaged
her skeleton and her backbone
broke 5 times due to her spinal
problems. Her health problems
were not limited to these. She
had an operation for a brain
tumor. Taylor stayed medically
dead for 5 minutes during this
operation and when she opened
her eyes again she became the
real symbol of rebirth on earth.
She quit neither living nor looking
for real love. Every man who met
her fell in love but none could
make her happy. In the beginning
of the 90s she devoted herself to
charity and social responsibility
projects and thanks to her work
in this area, Elizabeth Taylor was
given a philanthropy award. In
1993 she received the, “AFI Life
Time Achievement Award”. Her
last movie, “The Flintstones” was
produced in 1996 and during the
same year, Taylor tried her final
luck at love with a construction
worker 20 years younger than her.
However, her marriage with Larry
Fortensky lasted only 5 years.
For many, her greatest and truest
love was Michael Jackson who
never shied away from stating
his love for her despite their age
difference. The unnamed bond
between them was so strong
that Taylor’s biggest downfall
was Jackson’s death. The 8
marriages she made with 7 men
could be explained for some by
her blind spot for men. Whereas
for some, this was nothing but
a fluttering effort of a woman
desperately seeking love. In one
period during her life she hoped
help would come from alcohol
and drugs. Of course this was
a meaningless effort and she
had to be hospitalized when she
was 51 to be treated for these
addictions. She established the
“AIDS Research Foundation” to
fight with AIDS after her close
friend, the actor Rock Hudson got
AIDS. Her passion in diamonds
resulted in her partnership with
the author of the book “My Love
Affair with Jewelry” in a jewelry
store. She turned her passion in
to commerce by giving jewelry
names to perfumes.
She was 79 years old when her
heart could no longer stand
the misery and lack of love that
she had to endure throughout
her life during which she never
once made her own decisions.
(2011) As David Heyymann, her
biographer said, “Her life was
more eventful and dramatic than
those of all the characters she
played except Cleopatra”. Her
beauty, her life, what she lived
through and what she made
others live, in short her whole
life was one miracle. She knew
that her wealth, jewelry and fame
could not suppress her physical,
emotional and spiritual pain.
That’s why she asked for only one
thing when she felt that she was
approaching her death; to have
an inscription on her tombstone
stating, “She lived”. Because all
she ever wanted was only to have