Dergi Bursa Haziran/Temmuz 2014 - page 26

when he first started using the
palace. The most striking part in
this floor is the “Dining Room” lo-
cated to the east of the Pool Hall.
This room is where the valuable
items in the palace are displayed
and contains a folding oak table
with oval sides and 14 chairs.
There are glass cabinets to the
left and right of the table in which
dinnerware is on display. The lion
figure which looks in the direction
of the viewer regardless of loca-
tion has been placed to the very
center of the ceiling. This figure
is also the reason why the room
is also known as the “Lion Hall”.
The Bohemian brand porcelain
dinnerware, crystal pitcher and
glass-sets along with tea cups
are among the items that attract
attention. The Hünkar Palace
also contains local hand woven
carpets and crystal chandeliers
which are among the fine details
of Ottoman palaces and the oak/
mahogany furniture reflect the
taste of the period together with
silk and velvet curtains.
The museum is where all splen-
dors are presented to the guests
along with historical values while
also serving the public with its
social facilities opened in 2009.
The Hünkar Palace takes you
on a travel in time at its social
facilities with Ottoman food and
drinks. The Hünkar Palace is a
unique location where national
and international tourists rest in a
peaceful environment away from
the hustle and bustle of city life
and where they experience the
finest details of history. Being its
guest is an unforgettable Bursa
bursa dokusu
bursa motifs
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