Dergi Bursa Haziran/Temmuz 2014 - page 91

which one is the “also known
as” Olympos. For example,
according to Herodotus Uludağ,
the symbol of Bursa is Olympos;
whereas the Greeks consider
Olympos to be the peak of the
famous mountain in Greece
located between Thessaly
and Central Macedonia with
an altitude of 2917 meters
as Olympos, the home of
the Gods... The name of the
mountain that embraces us at
Antalya is Tahtalı Mountain. Even
though the foot of this mountain,
which is one of the four that
reaches a height of 2366 meters
perpendicularly from sea level,
contains valleys and sheer cliffs
which are all divine signs; we
may accept the Greek Olympos
as the brain of all Olymposes out
of respect to Greek mythology.
But the body also has a heart… It
is quite difficult to think contrary
when faced with such emotional
You are in a green valley
surrounded with towering trees.
The sun that scorches almost
every rock on the valley has
grown weary from shining that
much. The chirping of Akça
and Cılıbıt birds can be heard
everywhere. Crickets complete
the melody as the whispering
wind flirts with the bell flowers.
But it is the woodpeckers that
hold rhythm. It is not only the
scent of tree gums that you
smell; pine and bay trees,
orchids, daisies, wild flowers,
thorns – yes even thorns smell
good here – and even the scent
of the sea retraces the steps of
the lake filling everywhere with
aphrodisiac scents of pure love.
You better breathe in this scent
before making the gods angry…
The antique city of Olympos has
two entrances. One can enter the
city from its neighbor Çıralı from
the sea side as well as from its
other neighbor Adrasan. Hostels
with tree houses provide the
means of accommodation that
best suits the nature of the region
with an abundance of water
and greens. Even though one
thinks of different things upon
hearing the term ‘tree houses’;
even being close to the nature is
enough. There is no disturbing
settlement along Çıralı, Olympos
beach that is over three
kilometers. The existing hotels,
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