The bursa cable car was going to
revive the city’s economy as well
as provide value to it and the aim
was to finish it by the Republic
Holiday as was the case for the
first opening. However, due to
bad weather conditions and
various misfortunes the date was
changed. The project went on for
2 years and new stations, new
lines and new engine rooms were
built. The cable car is one of the
largest projects that the Bursa
Municipality started to increase
the attention to Uludağ all year
round and with uninterrupted
transportation that is currently
able to withstand wind speeds
of up to 80 kilometers per hour it
became possible. The renovated
symbol of Bursa attracted
attention of local and foreign
tourists starting from its first
trip. A large crowd was present
at the opening ceremony and
the 70 thousand people who
used the cable car within a 20
day period is proof of this. The
new ferry provides a 12 minute
transportation between the
Teferrüç, Kadıyayla and Sarıalan
regions and the next plan is to
reach the Hotels Region… By
doing so, the Bursa cable car
which currently has the longest
line will also be the “world’s
longest cable car line” with
a length of 8,84. Today, the
number of cabins is 90 and it will
increase to 190. The new cable
car is expected to contribute
significantly to Bursa tourism
and therefore its economy and
ski training units, hotel, cafeteria,
indoor sports facility and along
wih the health unit projects…
Bursa cable car carries hope for
the future with its nostalgic value
and its modern appearance.
It will embrace you with love
when you go there either to
reach the final destination or to
enjoy the splendid panoramic
view of Bursa it provides…
Out of respect for its modern
appearance, advanced facilities,
all the efforts as well as the
memories of 50 years.
bursa dokusu
bursa motifs