Merinos Tekstil ve Sanayi Müzesi
Merinos Textile and Industry Museum
Basın Müzesi
/ Press Museum
İslam Eserleri Müzesi /
Turkish-Islamic Arts Museum (Yesil Madrasah)
Among the striking parts of the
museum, which brings forth the
features of the 17th century, is
“Harem Room” lit by 14 windows
which open to outside.
15. Merinos Textile and
Industry Museum
The museum, which is considered
as the linchpin of the formation
of industry during the Republic
Period, is the first textile and
industry museum in Turkey.
The building, which displays
the remnants of the machines
and items from Merinos Wool
Industry-run opened by Ataturk
in 1938, has shed light with the
name of Merinos Textile and
Industry Museum on the history
of industry in Bursa since 2011.
In the first part of the museum,
which consists of four sections,
the history of Merinos and all the