Dergi Bursa Oak 2015 - page 118

uzaktaki yakın
so far so close
arzu ediyorsanız kalbiniz sizi
oraya götürür. Bu şehirde
ayaklarınızla değil, kalbiniz ve
ruhunuzla gezebilirsiniz ancak.
Şehrin tamamını yanınızda
götürme hevesiyle yaptığınız
alışverişler nedeniyle evinize
dönerken fazladan bir bavula
ihtiyacınız olabilir.
Keman ve piyano sesleri
eşliğinde sokaklarını gezerken
kendinizi hiç yabancı
hissetmeyeceğiniz, klasik
müziğin başkenti Viyana da
sonbaharı değerlendirmek
için doğru bir seçim olabilir.
Böylece her yıl Ekim ayının son
günleri başlayan ve iki hafta
süren “Viyana Uluslararası Film
Festivali”ni kaçırmamak ve
Kasım ayında 3 hafta boyunca
bu klasik kentin çağdaş
müzikle buluşmasına şahit
olmak mümkün. UNESCO
Dünya Miras Listesi’nde
hak ettiği yeri alan eski kent
history of struggles, Che, Fidel,
Revolution Square, capital city
of Havana, Trinadad and many
other authentic cities, cigars,
Cuba Libre and “Bueno Vista
Social Club”. You can take
refuge in a small island instead
of fighting the cold weather
wherever you are and live like
a Cuban, like the revolutionary
people of this country even if for
a little while. Many things can be
said about Cuba, but for even
more you just need to check out
issue 6 of dergi bursa…
This winter you can visit one of
the places you imagined when
you closed your eyes while
listening to a fairy tale during
your childhood. Bruges takes you
back to the 14th century where
you will see all colors in tones
you have never seen before. You
won’t want to leave this city and
the Reie River, the cobblestone
pavements, the Markt Square or
the Love River… You will meet
famous historical artists, visit
the 4 storey chocolate museum
before leaving this Medieval city
and start making secret plans
about your next visit to see the
Michelangelo statue and the
shops on the Steenstraat.
If you are a traveler who does not
mind temperatures of below zero,
then Kiev would be one of the
best options where you can enjoy
the winter completely. Legend
has it that the city takes its name
from the eldest of the 4 founders,
Kiev, which also means “house
built by the river”. This city is
likened to a woman because
it takes the liveliest tones of all
colors and its legendary female
population is more than the
population of men. One can’t
say that he/she has visited Kiev
without going on a boat tour on
the Dnieper, leaving one’s self
to the compassionate arms of
the Mother of Motherland statue,
visiting the Arena City or tasting
the regional cuisine. This city with
a river flowing through it was a
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