bu rolüyle özdeşleşerek
hafızalara kazındı. Daha
sonra Sean Connery, Kevin
Kostner, Russell Crowe
gibi isimlerle devam eden
Robin Hood furyası, farklı
yönetmenlerin ve senaristlerin
bakış açılarıyla harmanlanan
türlü versiyonlarıyla sinema
tarihinde yaklaşık 80 yıllık
bir döneme ve büyük
prodüksiyonlu filmlere de
damgasını vurmuş oldu.
Beyazperde ve televizyon
ekranları Robin Hood
maceralarıyla dolup taştı.
Herkesin çok iyi tanıdığı ama
hiç kimsenin asıl hikâyesini
hatta gerçek olup olmadığını
bile bilmediği biriydi Robin
Hood… Küçük büyük
herkesin hayatına bir anda
girip bağımlılık yapan bir
kahraman… Tıpkı filmlerinde
kendinden önce sahneye
giren ve her zaman tam yerine
isabet eden okları gibi…
William Tell ya da onun
efsanesinden esinlenen İtalyan
besteci Gioacchino Rossini’nin
4 perdelik operasında Giyom
Tell olarak işlediği, Almanca
adıyla Wilhelm Tell… Tell’in
hikâyesi kraldan esirgediği
bir selamla efsaneleşti.
Hikâyeye göre iktidarın
gücünü reddeden, eşitliğin ve
özgürlüğün peşinden giden
bu asi ve milli kahraman
Habsburg Hanedanı adına
ülkesini yöneten Gessler’i
selamlamayı reddedince,
Robin Hood was first seen on
the movie screen in 1922. Errol
Flynn starred as Robin Hood
during the 30’s when he was
only 28 after which he was
committed to the memories of
all viewers. The Robin Hood
legend continued with names
such as Sean Connery, Kevin
Costner, Russell Crowe thus
leaving its mark on a period of
80 years in the history of cinema
with important productions and
different versions blending the
perspectives of various directors
and screenwriters. The white
screen and television screens
swarmed with Robin Hood
adventures. Robin Hood was
known by everyone but no one
knew his real story of whether
he was actually real or not… A
universal hero who entered the
lives of people from all ages…
Just like his arrows that strike the
bull’s eye every time he is about
to take center stage…
William Tell or Wilhelm Tell in
German who became famous
following the 4 act opera of the
Italian composer Gioacchino
Rossini, Guillaume Tell… The
story of Tell became a legend
after he refused to greet the King.
It is rumored that the rebellious
national hero who refused the
power of the government thus
following the path to equality and
freedom was condemned with
a punishment that placed the
life of his son on the line after he
refused to greet Gessler who was
ruling the country in the name
of the Habsburg Dynasty. The
punishment was that he would
place an apple on the head of
his son and hit it. Even though
Tell was an expert archer, his