Dergi Bursa Oak 2015 - page 52

film şeridi
oğlunun hayatını riske atan
bir cezaya çarptırıldı. Ceza
oğlunun başına yerleştirilen
elmayı vurmasıydı. Tell her
ne kadar usta bir okçu olsa
da işin içinde oğlunun hayatı
vardı. Onu dünya çapında bir
üne kavuşturacak olan an işte
tam da bu an oldu. Oğlunun
başındaki elmayı ustalıkla
vurmuştu ama bu durum
onun savunduğu fikirlerinden
vazgeçmesi için yeterli olmadı.
Oku atarken elinde tuttuğu
diğer ok kralın dikkatini çekti
ve ona nedenini sordu. Tell’in
cevabı ise onurundan asla
taviz vermeyeceğinin bir
göstergesiydi: “Eğer birinci ok
oğluma isabet etseydi, ikinci
okla seni vuracaktım.” Elbette
bu cevap Gessler’i son derece
kızdırdı ve Tell’in hapse atılma
kararıyla sonuçlandı. Zaten
Tell’in usta nişancılığından ve
gideceği yeri asla şaşmayan
oklarının gazabından
korkan Gessler, onu bir yere
kapatmak için fırsat kolluyordu.
Ancak şansı yaver giden
Tell’e gemiyle hapsedileceği
yere götürülürken çıkan
fırtına yardım etti. Tell,
fırtınayla oluşan karmaşadan
yararlanarak gemiden atladı
ve uzunca bir süre kaçarak
dağlara saklandı. Artık
savaşı daha da büyümüştü.
İsviçre’nin bağımsızlığını tek
başına üstlenmiş, Gessler’i
öldürmesiyle İsviçrelilere
ayaklanmaları için cesaret
vermişti. Milliyetçiliğin var
olmaya başladığı yıllarda
son’s life was on the line. The
moment that gave him worldwide
recognition took place right at
that instant. He had shot the
apple on his son’s head expertly,
but this was not enough for
him to let go of the ideals he
defended. He was holding a
second arrow in his head before
attempting the shot and the king
asked him the reason. Tell’s reply
was an indication that he would
never compensate from his pride:
“If the first arrow had hit my
son, I would shoot you with the
second one.” Of course this reply
annoyed Gessler and he ordered
Tell to be imprisoned. Gessler
was already biding his time to
lock Tell up because he feared
from his expert marksmanship
and the fury of his arrows that
never missed. However, Tell was
on a lucky streak and a storm
came to his rescue just as he
was about to embark on the ship
that would take him to prison. Tell
took advantage from the chaos
brought about by the storm,
jumped out of the ship and hid
in the mountains for a long time.
This further developed his war.
He had taken the independence
of Switzerland upon himself
and had given courage to the
Swiss to revolt after he killed
Gessler. He was known all over
the world thanks to the events
that took place in the years when
nationalism was starting to exist
as well as the play written by
Friedrich von Schiller in 1804.
Maybe this legend that everyone
believed wholeheartedly was just
a made up story but either way it
had worked, it had given courage
to the people thus ensuring that
their hopes for a better future
remained intact.
Just like Robin Hood, William
Tell became famous with his
expert marksmanship as well
as courage taking part in many
works of art from movies to TV
shows. The TV series of William
Tell in the 80’s had made a mark
on the memories of those that
watched it thanks to its musical
score. Whereas Brendan Fraser
played the role of Tell in the 3D
movie listed in the 2012 IMBD
list. The scene during which
he shot the apple on his son’s
head became an immortal one
that will be talked about for any
centuries to come. Indeed, there
were those who tried to do the
same thing which ended badly.
The best known among these
is he American writer William
Burroughs who shot his wife
while trying.
Maybe both Robin Hood and
William Tell were two heroes
who were not real. Maybe both
were imaginary. They may be the
heroes of those who dream that
one day everyone will be equal
and live happily in a just order
with no wars or inequalities; or
the heroes who live in their own
stories… Who knows?
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