evrensel sanat
universal art
Mozart’ın ailesi 1766 yılında
Salzburg’a geri döndü.
Mozart 1767 yılında ikinci kez
Viyana’ya gitti ve 2 yıl sonra La
Finita Semplice ile Bastien und
Bastienne adında iki opera
besteledi. Aynı yıl İtalya’ya
giden Mozart burada da birçok
hayran kazanmış ve Milano’da
gösterilen operalarıyla büyük
başarılara imza atmıştı.
İlk opera eseri olan “Lucia
Silla” Milano sahnelerinde
gösterilerek takdir topladığında
henüz 14 yaşındaydı. 1777
yılından itibaren babasının
sağlık sorunları nedeniyle
yolculuğuna onsuz devam
etmek zorunda kalan Mozart
bir yıl sonra Paris’e, daha
sonra da döneminin en iyisi
kabul edilen “Mannheim
Orkestrası”nda yer almak
üzere Mannheim’e geçti. Gezi
yılları boyunca pek çok ünlü
müzisyenle tanıştı. Krallara,
kraliçelere bestelerini dinletti.
Dönemin ünlü düşünürlerine,
yazarlarına, Goethe, Voltaire
gibi isimlere “müziğin en
büyük ustası” olduğunu
kabul ettirdi. Papa tarafından,
yalnızca en usta sanatçılara
verilen “Altın Mahmuz
Nişanı”na layık görüldü. Ancak
ölünceye kadar çocuk ruhunu
koruyan Mozart bunlarla
ilgilenmiyordu. Bunun nedeni
ise hem alçakgönüllülüğü hem
de yaptığı işten aldığı zevkin,
mutluluğun önüne hiçbir
şeyin geçemiyor olmasıydı.
O yalnızca içinden gelen
yoğun duygulara, coşkusuna,
mutluluğuna, hüznüne, acısına
tanrı vergisi bir yeteneği katıyor
ve bestelerini yapıyordu. 25
yaşına kadar aralıksız olarak
sürdürdüğü gezi ve turnelerde
defalarca hastalandı, bünyesi
zayıf düştü ama bu durum ne
verimsizliğe neden oldu ne
de ona keyfinden, yaşama ve
sanata olan bağlılığından bir
şey kaybettirdi. Erken yaşta
çıktığı bu yolculuklar nedeniyle
okul hayatı hiç olmamıştı ama
gittiği her ülkede kullanılan
dilleri kısa süre içinde öğrenip,
Viyana’daki heykeli, mezarı ve evi.
Statue in Vienna, tomb and home.
from the age of 5. He had seen
his violinist and composer father
as a school; had found the
chance to work with her 5 years
elder sister who was a singer.
Their father saw the harmony
between them thus realizing the
talent of his children in music
and ensured that they received
the best education in this field.
Starting from 1762, Mozart took
to the roads with his father and
sister and continued to impress
everyone with a new talent of his
that emerged every day. Thanks
to his sensitive ears, he was able
to realize when the tune of a
violin was lowered by one eighth
of a note and could sometimes
faint as a reaction to bad sounds.
He went to Munich, Frankfurt,
Cologne, Paris, Brussels,
Augsburg and London on his
first long tour during 1763 – 1766.
He had the chance to work with
Bach, Manzuoli and Abel in
London and his family returned
to Salzburg in 1766. Mozart
went to Vienna for a second
time in 1767 and 2 years later
composed two operas entitled
La Finita Semplice and Bastien
und Bastienne. Mozart went to
Italy during the same year; he
had many fans there and gained
huge success with his operas
in Milan. He was only 14 years
old when his first opera piece
entitled “Lucia Silla” was put on
stage and gained admiration.
Starting from 1777, Mozart had
to continue on the road without
his father due to his health
problems and it was one year
later when he went to Paris after
which he went on to Mannheim
to take part in the “Mannheim
Orchestra” which was accepted
as the best at the time. He met
many musicians during his
trips. He had kings and queens
listen to his compositions. It
was accepted by many famous
thinkers and writers of the time
such as Goethe and Voltaire
that he was “the grand master
of music”. He was awarded with
the “Knight of the Golden Spur”
by the Pope which was given to
the best artists. However, Mozart
had preserved the child in his
heart until his death and thus he
was not interested in such merits.
The reasons for this were his
modesty as well as the fact that
nothing could get ahead of the
happiness and joy he felt while
he was working. He was only