Dergi Bursa Oak 2015 - page 66

evrensel sanat
universal art
Mozart, babasının gerçek
yüzünü gördüğü, müsrif,
bencil, oğluna mutsuzluktan
başka bir şey vermeyeceğine
inandığı Constanze ile evlendi.
Bu evlilikle birlikte belki de
hayatının en verimli dönemine
girmiş; bir anda her türde
eşi benzeri olmayan eserler
vermeye başlamıştı. Le Nozze
di Figaro, Don Giovanni, Cosi
Fan Tutte, The Magic Flute
bu dönemde yazdığı operalar
oldu. Yine evlendiği dönemde
yazdığı, Türklere olan
hayranlığının meyvesi kabul
edilen “Saraydan Kız Kaçırma”
operası, Topkapı Sarayı’nda
geçen bir aşk hikâyesini
konu alıyordu. “Zaide”
adındaki iki perdelik opera
eserine 1780 yılında başladı.
Tamamlanamayan bu eserin
ilhamı bazı kaynaklara göre
âşık olduğu “Zaide” adında
bir Türk kızıydı. Türklerin tüm
Avrupa’ya hâkim olduğu bu
dönemde bir de Türk Marşı
besteleyen Mozart’ın bu
eserinde dinleyip hayran
kaldığı Mehter Marşı’ndan
esinlenmişti. Mozart her
eserinde biraz daha yükseliyor,
şöhreti ve kazancı gün
geçtikçe artıyordu. Ancak
eline geçen yüksek miktarda
paraları tutmak aklına bile
gelmiyor, eşi ile birlikte
düşüncesizce harcamalar
yapıyorlardı. Zaman içinde
hiçbir zaman düzelmeyen bir
maddi sıkıntıyla karşı karşıya
kalmış; her gün biraz daha
kötüleşen durumları, Mozart’ı
babası gibi saray müzisyeni
olmakla yetinmek zorunda
bırakmıştı. Mozart için bu
bir sorun değildi ama dünya
çapında kabul edilmiş ve
dehası önünde saygıyla eğilen
insanların gözünde bu durum,
onun “harcanması” anlamına
geliyordu. Viyana Sarayı’nın
müzisyeni olan ve Mozart’la
aynı dönemi paylaşan usta
müzisyen Antonio Salieri,
up hope when things seemed to
be getting out of hand. He never
complained once in spite of the
financial troubles he experienced
and continued to compose
all the time and under every
Mozart married the woman he
loved going against his father
who did not approve of this
marriage and this was the first
time that he had upset his father
whom he always loved and
respected as a source of pride
and joy. He had fallen in love with
the daughter of Weber who he
met when he went to Germany
to give piano lessons and rented
Weber’s house when he was only
21; he was planning to marry
her. However, soon he devoted
himself completely to his art
and operas thus forgetting her.
He met Weber and his family
once again a few years later
in Vienna and this time fell in
love with Constanze, Weber’s
other daughter. Mozart married
Constanze going against his
father who saw her for what
she really was as a lavish and
selfish person and believed that
she would only break his son’s
heart. With this marriage, he
had entered probably the most
productive period in his life thus
starting to compose pieces the
likes of which had never been
heard before. Le Nozze di Figaro,
Don Giovanni, Cosi Fan Tutte and
The Magic Flute were the operas
he composed during this period.
Another opera he composed
during his marriage entitled, The
Abduction from the Seraglio was
about a love story in the Topkapı
Palace and was accepted as
the fruit of his admiration for the
Turks. He started working on the
two-act opera entitled “Zaide”
in 1780. Some believed that the
admiration for this unfinished
work was a Turkish girl named
“Zaide” who he was in love with.
Mozart had also composed
a Turkish March during this
time when the Turks ruled all of
Europe and he had been inspired
by the Janissary March that he
admired. However, he never
even once considered saving
the huge amounts of money he
earned and thus continued to
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