küratörlüğünü Mimar Sinan
Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar
Fakültesi’nden Kamil Fırat
Magnum Photos’tan Patrick
Zachmann (Fransa), CNN’den
Ariana Lindquist (ABD),
National Geographic’ten
Luciano Candisani (Brezilya),
Enri Canaj (Yunanistan), Arnau
Bach (İspanya), Thomas
Grøndahl (Danimarka) ve
Gisela Kayser (Almanya) farklı
coğrafyalardan gelip festival
için Bursa’da buluşacak
isimler arasında… Festivale
Türkiye’den katılacak olan
40’a yakın fotoğraf sanatçısı
arasında ise Erdal Küpeli,
İbrahim Demirel, Faruk
Akbaş, Mehmet Ünal, Emin
Özmen, Servet Dilber ve
Kerem Yücel bulunuyor.
Fotoğraf sanatına ilgi duyan
herkesi buluşturacak olan
organizasyon kapsamında
birçok panel, toplantı, atölye
çalışmaları ve portfolyo
değerlendirmeleri yapılacak.
Sanatçılar ve editörler dört gün
boyunca; sergilerde eserlerini,
seminerlerde ise mesleki
bilgi, birikim ve tecrübelerini
Patrick Zachmann (France)
from Magnum Photos, Ariana
Lindquist (USA) from CNN,
Luciano Candisani (Brazil) from
National Geographic, Enri Canaj
(Greece), Arnau Bach (Spain),
Thomas Grøndahl (Denmark)
and Gisela Kayser (Germany)
are among the names who will
come from different geographies
to meet in Bursa for the festival…
Erdal Küpeli, İbrahim Demirel,
Faruk Akbaş, Mehmet Ünal, Emin
Özmen, Servet Dilber and Kerem
Yücel are among the about 40
different photographers who will
participate in the festival from
Turkey. Many panels, meetings,
workshops and portfolio reviews
will be carried out during the
organization which will bring
together everyone interested
in the art of photography. The
artists and editors will share their
works with everyone by way of
exhibitions while sharing their
professional knowledge, skills
and experience via the seminars
that will be held during the four
days of the festival.
A photo contest organized
this year as well during the 5th
International Bursa Photography
Festival. The jury evaluated all
the photos uploaded by lovers
of photography via the Bursa
Photofest web site. The contest
Servet Dilber