Estetik cerrahide serüvene yer yok!
Dolgu, botoks ve örümcek
ağı estetiği gibi ameliyatsız
uygulamaları özellikle yaz
mevsimi öncesinde öneriyorum.
Ayrıca yıllık izinlerini kullanarak
memleketine gelen gurbetçi
vatandaşlar ve elbette sağlık
turizmi vasıtasıyla kliniklerimize
gelen sınır ötesi hastalar,
özellikle yaz mevsimi boyunca
hem cerrahi, hem de az
evvel saydığım ameliyatsız
teknikleri güvenle yaptırıyorlar.
Yaptıkları tek şey ciltlerini
güneşten korumak, bu kadar.
Zaten bedeninize isterseniz
hiçbir şey yaptırmamış olun,
mutlaka ve mutlaka güneşten
korunmanız gerekiyor. Eğer
profesyonelliğine güvendiğiniz
bir klinikteyseniz, işinizi
rastlantılara bırakmamış
olursunuz. Bu klinikler özellikle
yazın yapılan operasyonlar
veya uygulamalardan
sonra mutlaka cildinizi nasıl
korumanız gerektiğini anlatırlar.
Estetik cerrahide ve medikal
Estetik cerrahi ciddi bir iştir, profesyonellik gerektirir, hiçbir şeyi rastlantıya
bırakmayın. Bu sene yaz mevsimi aniden geldi. Bir anda herkesten aynı soruları
duymaya başladım: “Yazın estetik yapılabilir mi?” “Elbette yapılır!” Fakat dikkat
etmeniz gereken noktalar var: Hangi klinik, hangi uygulama, hangi cerrah?
Cosmetic surgery is a serious business, it requires professionalism, don’t leave it to
chance. This year summer came suddenly. I started hearing the same questions from
everyone at the same time: “Can I get cosmetic surgery done during summer?” “Of
course, you can!” However, there are some issues you need to watch out for: Which
clinic, which application, which surgeon?
Op. Dr. Bülent Cihantimur
Estetik International
There is no room for adventure in cosmetic surgery!
I suggest non-surgical
applications such as filler, botox
and spider web aesthetics before
the summer season. In addition,
expat citizens who take on their
annual leaves to visit their country
and of course foreign patients
who come to our clinics for
health tourism get both cosmetic
surgeries and the aforementioned
non-surgical applications done
safely throughout the summer
season. The only thing they need
to do is to protect their skin from
the sun, that is all. Then again, you
need to protect yourself from the
sun at all times even if you don’t
have anything done. If you are at a
clinic the professionalism of which
you trust, then you will not have left
yourself to chance. These clinics
will surely explain properly how you
should protect your skin after the
surgeries or applications carried
out especially during the summer.
The primary concern of cosmetic
surgery and medical applications
is the patient’s body. We have to
respect the body. We might be
doing more than two operations
per day but nevertheless we show
the same care and give the same
importance to each and every one
of them. There is no difference as
long as you protect the operated
region during the summer which is
also the case for the winter as well.
You can experience any change
you want by using your annual
leave of absence or transforming
your summer holiday into an
opportunity. In short, cosmetic
applications have no season.
Check whether the clinic you
go to has a sterile and modern
infrastructure along with the
necessary equipment. If you prefer
it just because it is cheap, consider
the issue of professionalism once
again. The cost of any cosmetic
surgery center or an individual
clinic is known. What sets the
price higher should be the skill
of the surgeon, his/her expertise
and knowledge, it should be. The
damages that will occur on your
body might result in irremediable
issues. That is why I insist there
is no need for adventure and I
underline that cosmetic surgery
is a serious business. In short, if
you are planning an application or
cosmetic surgery in the summer,
there is no ban on anything, of
course you can get them all done.
Just protect yourself from the sun,
that is all. Choose your surgeon
well, inspect the clinic, check the
experience of the applier and
always let money be a secondary
issue. If your level of welfare does
not allow you to do so, do not lean
towards the cheap or to those that
you can afford. In this way, you can
reach the aesthetic appearance
you desire safely with no room for
Take good care of your body
and soul.