kavuşacağını söylediği kitap
beyaz karton kapaklı orijinal
İsmail Buzcular’ın hayatını
adadığı araştırmalar ve kendi
çabalarıyla bilgi edinmek
için ulaştığı kaynaklarla 6
tane padişah fermanına
ulaşabilmiş. Bugün İsmail
Buzcular’ın gözü gibi baktığı
fermanlar tarihe ışık tutuyor.
İsmail Buzcular’ın araştırmaları,
ailesine ait soy ağacı ile
birlikte Uludağ’dan buzların,
karların hangi şartlarda ve
ne şekilde şehre getirildiğini,
teknik imkânsızlıklarla dolu
bir dönemde bu konuda
bulunan çareyi ortaya
çıkardı. Abdurrahman Gazi,
padişahtan aldığı izinle
Uludağ’dan toplanan kar ve
buzları kalıplar halinde atlar
aracılığıyla önce Mudanya’ya,
buradan da gemilerle
İstanbul’a taşınmasını
sağlıyordu. Yaklaşık 9,5 saatte
Mudanya’ya getirilen buzlar,
buradan gemilere aktarılarak
İstanbul’daki esnaflara,
hastanelere, lokantalara
satılıyordu. Kırkpınar,
Kilimlisarı, Karapınar, Beypınar
bölgelerindeki karlardan
ve buzlardan sorumlu olan
Buzcular ailesi, kendilerine
verilen ferman ile Uludağ’ın
kar ve buzlarını toplayarak
dağıtma yetkisini Cumhuriyet
döneminde ve sonrasında da
sürdürdüler. İsmail Buzcular’ın
anılarında yer alanlara göre
Cumhuriyet döneminden
itibaren buzlar artık saray
için değil, ticari işletmelere
ve halka satılmaya başladı.
Ayrıca Tuzpazarı Cami’nin
avlusundaki pazarda satılan
buzlar 40 – 50 civarı katırla
taşınırdı. Aileye verilen ferman
Buzcular ailesine babadan
oğula devredilebilen vakıf
hissesi olarak kar taşıma
yetkisi de veriyordu. Böylece
buzculuk, günümüzde yerini
son teknolojiyle üretilen
makinelerin aldığı, 1947
yılından itibaren kurulmaya
Abdurrahman Gazi first ensured
that the collected snow and ice
blocks were carried with horses
to Mudanya which were then
transported to Istanbul via ships.
The ice blocks that were brought
to Mudanya in about 9,5 hours
were then sold to craftsmen,
hospitals and restaurants in
Istanbul. Buzcular family was
responsible from the snow
and ice at Kırkpınar, Kilimlisarı,
Karapınar, Beypınar regions and
they continued to hold the rights
to collect and distribute the snow
and ice of Uludağ during and
after the Republic period with
an order issued to their name.
According to the memoir of
Ismail Buzcular, starting with the
Republic period the ice was not
collected for the palace but for
selling to commercial businesses
and the public. In addition, the
ice that was sold at the courtyard
of Tuzpazarı Mosque was carried
with about 40 – 50 mules. The
order issued to the family name
also gave them license to carry
snow as foundation shares
that can be passed down from
father to son. Thus, ice work was
accepted as one of the most
popular occupations until 1947
when ice factories with state
of the art machines started to
be established. Ice was very
important, because it was almost
impossible to preserve the food
that was cooked in kitchens
from going bad in especially
hot weather. The food had to
be stored in ice to protect them
from going bad. Ice was also
needed for refreshment in very
hot summers. These were only
possible by bringing down the
snow and ice of Uludağ to the
city. The Buzcular family had
received the license from the
Sultan thus monopolizing the
sector. The importance of snow
and ice in that period was proven
through the “Karcıbaşı” (Chief
Iceman) appointed a special
permit responsible from placing
the food and drinks of the palace
and with an event that took place
in 1768. At that time, bandits had
hijacked the icemen that were
carrying ice at Gemlik Katırlı
Mountains and threatened the
palace by sending this message,
“if you do not give us the money
we want, you can never get snow
and ice from the mountains”.
This incident increased the value
of snow and ice because all the
hayat hikayesi
the story of life