O, ölümünden sonra değeri
anlaşılan isimlerden sadece
biri… Onun eserlerini
dinlemek, dört mevsim baharı
dinlemek gibi… Venedik’ten,
tüm dünyaya; Barok
döneminden, sonraki tüm
zamanlara dalga dalga yayılan
konçertoların babası Antonio
Güneş gökyüzünde altın gibi
parlar, kuşlar cıvıldar, sular
şırıldar. Güneş gitgide daha
yakıcı bir hal almaya başlar;
kelebekler, yüzlerini aşkla
güneşe dönen çiçeklerle
kaynaşır. Akşam vakti hafif
hafif esen meltemler; yerlerini
sert fırtınalara, yağmurlarla
gelen hışırtılı hüzünlere
bırakır. Soğuk şiddetini arttırır,
zamanla her yer beyaza
boyanır. Doğanın soğukla
girdiği çetin savaş, yeniden
bahar gelene, güneş yeniden
doğana dek devam eder.
Kendinden sonraki
müzisyenlere ilham olan
ve ölümünden sonra yine
başka besteciler tarafından
keşfedilerek bugünkü
popülerliğine kavuşan Vivaldi,
1678 yılında Venedik’te
doğdu. İlk müzik eğitimini,
He is only one of the names
who has been appreciated after
his death… Listening to his
work is like listening to spring
four seasons… The father of
concertos spreading from
Venice to the world and from
the baroque period to eternity:
Antonio Vivaldi…
The sun shines in the sky like
gold, birds are chirping and
waters flow. The sun becomes
even more searing hot; butterflies
mingle amidst flowers that turn
towards the sun. The soft breezes
of the afternoons leave their
place to fresh gales and rustling
sadness carried with the rain. It
gets even colder and everywhere
is painted white. The tough
battle between nature and cold
continues until spring and until
the sun rises yet again.
Vivaldi, who gave inspiration to
musicians that came after him
and who was discovered by
yet other musicians following
his death was born in 1678 in
Venice. He took his first musical
education from his father
who had worked as a barber
previously and had started
playing violin afterwards. He
joined the convent prior to
starting work as a violin teacher
at a girls orphanage. He was
given the moniker of “Red
Priest” because he successfully