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Many things about women
M. Kemal Atatürk 1923’te
yaptığı bir konuşmasında;
“Şuna inanmak lazımdır ki,
dünya yüzünde gördüğümüz
her şey kadının eseridir.”
diye yüceltmiş kadınları.
Ve onun eseri Cumhuriyet;
Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu,
şeriatın kaldırılması ve Medeni
Kanunu’nun kabul edilmesi
ile birçok kadınla evliliğin
kaldırılmasını sağlayarak
kadınlara daha güçlü ve
çağdaş bir yaşam sundu.
Resmi nikah zorunluluğu ve
nikahta yaş sınırının getirilmesi,
boşanmanın kanunlaştırılması,
aynı işlerde, eşit ücretle
çalışabilmesi ise diğer
kazanımlar oldu. Mirastan
faydalanabilme ve diğer
birçok konuda erkekle eşit
hale gelinmesi Türk kadınının
elini güçlendirdi ve “eşit
kadınlar” olması için önemli
kazanımlar sağladı. 1933’te
yerel yönetimlere seçme ve
seçilme hakkının kazanılması
ise tüm dünyada bir hayalken
gerçek oldu. 1934’te yasama
ve yürütme organlarına
kadınların seçme ve seçilme
hakkı sağlandı ve böylece
cumhuriyet kadınlarımız
Sürdürülebilir bir kalkınma
için; erkekler gibi birçok
alanda çalışan, yorulan, aynı
zamanda birçok toplumsal
kimliği de taşıyan kadınların
işgücüne daha çok katılımı
artık hayati bir önem arz
ediyor. Yine Atatürk’ün tabiri
ile kadınlarımıza olan ilgisizlik,
toplumun felçli olması gibi.
Maalesef şiddet gören,
eğitimsiz bırakılan, kalbi
During a speech in 1923, M.
Kemal Atatürk praised women by
saying, “We have to believe that
whatever we see on this earth
is the work of women.” And his
work, the Republic, gave women
a more powerful and modern
way of life with Tevhid-i Tedrisat
Kanunu (The Law on Unity of
Education), by bringing down
the laws of shariah as well as the
acceptance of the Civil Code that
banned marriage with more than
one woman. Other benefits were
the obligation for civil marriage,
defining an age limit for marriage,
legalizing divorces as well as
enabling women to be able to
work in the same jobs with the
same wages. Turkish women
became stronger when they
were allowed the rights to stake
out claims in inheritance thus
providing significant advances
for being “equal women”. The
rights to vote and stand for
election for local governments
given in 1933 became a reality
when it was still a dream for
the rest of the world. Rights
to vote and stand for election
in executive and legislative
organizations were granted to
women in 1934 and thus our
women of the republic were born.
The increasing contributions
of women to our labor force
now has a vital importance for
a sustainable progress since
women work, toil and carry many
social identities in them much
like men in many areas. It was
again Atatürk who stated that
indifference to our women would
result in a paralyzed society.
Unfortunately, it is women who
are still facing violence, are not
allowed to be educated, are
abused or raped leaving behind
broken hearts and crumpled
souls. The women who are kept
away from professional and
social lives just because their
“husbands do not want” them
to do so continue to develop,
strengthen, grow and gain
successes. In other words,
women are living!
Women have to fight. In order to
be successful, they have to fight
with their families, environments,
with everyone they stumble
upon in taxis or buses, with
their teachers, the judges and
many hardships they have to
face every day. To reach the life
they want, to be happy, to trust
people, to feel love… Success
is attainable for women only
through this continuous struggle.
A woman who sees that she is
self sufficient will be the one who
overcomes this struggle with
her self-confidence. Just like
Margaret Thatcher said, “You
may have to fight in order to
Many statistics or classifications
can be listed for women.
However, it would be enough to
just take a look at several TÜİK
(Turkish Statistical Institute)
studies. For instance, the ratio
of women in the Grand National
Assembly of Turkey is 14,4 %.
Countries with highest ratios
are Norway with 52,6 % and
Sweden with 52,2 %. Computer
usage ratio for men is 60,2 %
whereas this ratio for women is
39,8 %. The ratio of female senior
The dreams and desires of a woman and what she sees or how she looks when she becomes successful may be
dazzling. Women are in the midst of life and life is in them. Women are life itself. Because ‘woman’ means life.
Bir kadının hayalleri ve yapmak istedikleri ile başarıya ulaştığında gördüğü ve gösterdiği manzara baş
döndürücü olabilir. Kadın hayatın içindedir, hayat onun içinde. Kadın yaşamın ta kendisidir. Çünkü kadın
demek, hayat demektir.