It is sometimes the first, sometimes the last and sometimes only an intermediary stop for the locals of Bursa, those
who come to visit Bursa and those who are just transit passengers… The Bursa Terminal is one of the most lively
spots of the city where sadness and joy blend together as people either bid farewell to or embrace one another… His
story that starts from Santral Garage is a treasure of the city filled with memories…
Bursalıların, Bursa’ya gelenlerin, Bursa’dan gelip geçenlerin bazen ilk, bazen son, bazen ara durağı…
Hüznün, sevincin, ayrılıkların ve kavuşmaların bir arada yaşandığı, şehrin en hareketli noktalarından biri Bursa
Terminali… Onun Santral Garaj’dan başlayan hikayesi, kentin hatıralarla dolu hazinesi…
All Santral Garage passengers on board!
Santral Garaj yolcusu kalmasın!
geçmiş zaman kipinde
past tense