Dergi Bursa Mayıs 2016 - page 40

geçmiş zaman kipinde
past tense
hayatlarının tam ortasında
buluvermişsinizdir bir anda
kendinizi… Sizin keşfettikleriniz
yetmez de bir de Bursa
Terminali başlar size içini
dökmeye. Kendini, bugüne dek
gelenleri, gidenleri, hikâyeleri
anlatıverir bir çırpıda…
Siyah beyaz yılların
renkli anıları…
Bu kentin bugünü ne kadar
renkli ve geleceği nasıl
parlaksa geçmişi de bir o
kadar hareketli… Ağaçların
çevrelediği yolların, asfaltla
kaplı caddelere, at arabalarının
çift katlı otobüslere dönüştüğü,
iki günlük mesafelerin iki
saate düştüğü, Bursalıların
siyah-beyaz anılarıyla dolu
Santral Garaj’dan, bol peronlu
Bursa Terminali’ne uzanan
bir yolculuk bu… Gelenlerle,
gidenlerle, terk edenlerle,
geri dönenlerle, eskiyen ama
unutulmayanlarla dolu bir
Bursa nostaljisi…
Bursa henüz
Hüdavendigar’ken insanların
at arabalarıyla, yağmur çamur
demeden aştıkları yollar
bugün birkaç saate hatta
birkaç dakikada bitiveren
mesafelere dönüştü. Zaman
aktı, teknoloji gelişti; uzun
yollar kısaldı, meşakkatli
yolculuklar keyifli hale geldi.
Cumhuriyet Dönemi’nde
diğer sektörlerle birlikte
taşımacılık sektörü gelişince,
Türkiye modernleşmeye
başladı. Elbette Bursa da bu
değişimden nasibini aldı ve
bu sektörün öncüsü, örnek
gösterilen bir noktası olma
görevini üstlendi. Daha 19.
yüzyıla varmadan ortaya çıkan
at arabaları İpek Yolu’nun
gelişmesini sağladı önce…
“Milli Kasa”lar
Savaşlardan çıkan ve yepyeni
bir döneme giren Cumhuriyet
Dönemi Türkiye’si her alanda
gelişmeye çalışıyor, zor
koşullara rağmen modern bir
ülke olmak için çabalıyordu.
Bursa’da bu çabanın ulaşım
sektöründe geleceği parlak
you were planning to go in the
first place… You find yourself
right in the midst of the lives of
people you have never met or
never even seen before… The
Bursa Terminal starts confiding in
you as well, as if what you have
discovered is not enough. It tells
in a flash all the stories of people
coming and going…
Colorful memories of years
in black and white…
The past of the city is as active
as the current times of the city
are colorful… This is a trip from
Santral Garage, filled with the
black and white memories of
the locals of Bursa, to the Bursa
Terminal with many platforms
along which roads surrounded
with trees turned into asphalt
roads, horse carriages became
double decker buses, distances
of two days dropped down to two
hours… An old but unforgettable
Bursa nostalgia filled with people
coming and going, leaving and
Roads that people struggled
to traverse in horse carriages
regardless of weather
conditions when Bursa was
still Hüdavendigar has now
transformed into distances
that are covered in a few hours
or even just a few minutes.
Time passed by, technology
developed; long roads became
shorter, difficult journeys became
enjoyable. Turkey started to
modernize during the Republic
Period as the transportation
sector developed along with
other sectors. Of course Bursa
took its share of this change
and took on the responsibility
of pioneering this sector. It
was the horse carriages that
emerged prior to the 19th century
which enabled the Silk Road to
Pioneered by
“National Coaches”…
Turkey of the Republic Period
strived to develop in all areas
and struggled to become a
modern country despite all
difficulties. Bursa played an
important part for the future of
the transportation sector as part
of this struggle. Initially, there
were wooden bodied buses for
only 6 passengers known mostly
as “National Coaches”. Their
bodies were long but not strong
enough for long distances. They
were simple vehicles made out of
straddle trucks to which imported
structures and seats were added.
Even so, they had started to pave
the way for the automotive sector
in Bursa. This increase in activity
in the transportation sector had
resulted in the emergence of
a new occupation and a new
line of business. From then on,
the vehicles and the lives they
carried were entrusted to drivers
who received the right to perform
this work officially after taking
their course certificates provided
by the government.
“All time travelers aboard!”
The roads that became wider
and wider as the automotive
sector flourished, the
developing bus and passenger
transportation sector resulted in
the commencement of the period
of “garages”. Garages were built
mostly around the Grand Mosque
and the Municipality areas.
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