Dergi Bursa Haziran/Temmuz 2014 - page 105

are stops around the cathedral
for the horse drawn carriages
driven by horsemen with original
costumes taking tourists on an
“old town” tour as well as many
other touristic attractions.
The Anker Clock located at the
oldest marketplace of Vienna,
Hoher Markt is located right
past the Stephan Cathedral. The
clock built in 1911 connects two
separate buildings of the same
insurance company and has
drawings of important people
on it. There are roman numbers
on each individual showing the
hour and a band right above
them showing the minutes and
of course curious tourists wait in
front of it as the figures change
every hour. At noon, all figures
make a parade. It might be
interesting if you come by it. This
historical clock with its gilded
decoration and Art Nouveau
style is a prominent feature of
Vienna. In the opposite side,
Graben that moves towards the
right from in front of the cathedral
and the Karntnerstrasse moving
outwards with the Kohl Markt
are the most famous streets
that are closed to vehicle traffic.
Karntner is a famous street on
which you can find stores of
famous brands and one that
stretches all the way to the opera
building. There are many souvenir
shops here. Mozart chocolates,
porcelains, ceramic products,
hand made dolls, Viennese
crystals and magnets await you.
Graben Street which was once
a vegetable-fruit market is now
home to luxurious boutiques,
souvenir shops and cafes located
in the middle of the wide street.
The Plague Monument in the
middle of the street points to
the mass graves of those who
died during the plague years.
The Plague monument is one
where street artists perform
almost all the time. You are at the
right place to taste the famous
Viennese coffee of Melange and
to listen to some good classical
music. You will suddenly see
the St. Peter Church located on
the right side of Graben Street.
Its fate is to be photographed
with all the other buildings
surrounding it. The Jew Museum
located to the left before reaching
the Plague monument puts forth
the disgrace of European History
in all its starkness and has been
arranged to tell the story of not
only the genocide but also the
Jewish population in Europe.
The extra of the ticket you will
purchase for this museum is the
right to see the Amy Winehouse
museum located in an outhouse
right past Graben.
When you turn left at the end
of Graben you will be greeted
with Hofburg, which is the winter
palace of the Habsburg Dynasty.
Actually we are talking about a
wide area with large gardens
and many building complexes.
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