Dergi Bursa Eylül 2015 - page 76

dökülmüştü. Ancak
televizyonun Türkiye’ye gelişi
çok daha önce olmuş, ilk
adımları 1953 yılında İstanbul
Teknik Üniversitesi Yüksek
Frekans Tekniği Kürsüsü
Profesörü Mustafa Santur
tarafından atılmıştı. Santur
1938 yılında, gerçekleştirdiği
Avrupa gezileri sırasında
tanıştığı televizyonu ülkesine
getirebilmek için ilk adımı
1951 yılında attı. İTÜ Elektrik
Fakültesi Dekanlığı’na
yurtdışında gördüğü bu
cihazların alınması için
bulunduğu öneri onaylanınca
Türkiye’de ilk televizyon yayını
1953 yılında İTÜ TV’den
yapılmaya başladı ve İTU
TV 1972 yılına kadar yayın
yapmaya devam etti. 31 Ocak
1968 tarihinde TRT, Ankara
Mithatpaşa Stüdyosu’nda ilk
deneme yayını gerçekleştirdi.
İlk renkli yayın 1981 yılını
1982’ye bağlayan yılbaşı
gecesi yapıldı. O gece
televizyonu başındaki insanlar
yeni yılı Türk televizyonlarında
doldurulmaz bir yeri olan
Halit Kıvanç’tan, Zeki Müren’e
kadar birçok ünlü ile birlikte
karşılamıştı. Bu sihirli kutunun
içindeki her şey 2 yıl içinde
kendi rengiyle izlenebilir hale
bringing it to his home country
in 1951. When his suggestion to
the ITU Electricity Faculty Dean
to purchase these devices was
approved, the first television
broadcast was made by ITU TV
in 1953 and ITU TV continued
its broadcasts until 1972. The
first test broadcast was carried
out on January 31, 1968 at the
Ankara Mithatpaşa Studio of
TRT. The first color broadcast
was made on the New Year night
that bound 1981 to 1982. That
night the people who were in
front of their televisions watched
many famous people from Halit
Kıvanç who is irreplaceable for
Turkish television to Zeki Müren.
Everything inside this magical
box could be watched in their
real colors within a period of only
2 years.
The fact that there was not a
television in every home in Turkey
in the beginning had changed
the relations between neighbors
as well. People used to gather
in the house of those who had a
television and everybody from
the young to the old watched
the broadcast intently. Those
were the years during which
the youngest child in the house
worked like a “remote control”…
Years when the belly dancer
was awaited eagerly in New
Year broadcasts. Thanks to the
contributions of the famous
people of that time, it was not
only the broadcasts that colored
up but also their content as
well. Children did not go to
bed without listening to Aunt
Adile’s fairy tales in the program
entitled, “Before Sleep”. It was
the grown-ups’ turn after the
lambkins of Adile Naşit slept.
News “agencies” to keep track of
the order of the day in Turkey and
the world, weather reports, talk
shows, contests, live concerts,
tv series, children shows…
The Muppet Show presented
by Kermit the Frog was the joy
of Saturday nights. It attracted
the attention of everyone from
children to grown-ups. Another
joyful program during the single
channel period was the “Yes –
No” contest by Erkan Yolaç who
greeted the contestants with
Mehter March and sent them off
with the accompaniment of Izmir
March. The western movies that
were broadcast every Sunday
morning accompanied the
breakfast of family members.
The program entitled, “From 7
to 77” hosted by Barış Manço
started towards the end of the
80s and continued for a decade;
it appealed to people of all
ages as its title suggests and
the children who would grow up
to be wise men/women stood
out in the show. The program
entitled “Studio Sunday” hosted
by Cenk Koray was among the
Sunday entertainment shows
that one should not miss. “Mr.
Curious” entered our lives
during this show and it is now
used by a famous brand in its
advertisements. Afterwards the
geçmiş zaman kipinde
past tense
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