Dergi Bursa Eylül 2015 - page 82

film şeridi
Aamir Khan - 3 Aptal
(3 Idıots)
Bollywood ismi ise Hollywood
ve Bombay isimlerinden
oluşturulan bir kelime.
Hindistan, dünyada en çok
film üreten ülke ve Bollywood
bu çoğunluğun dörtte biri gibi
bir oranı üstlenmiş durumda.
Bollywood dışında Tamil
ve Telugu, Benglai, Punjabi
bölgelerinden çıkan yapımlar
Tollywood, Tamil filmleri ise
Kollywood olarak anılıyor.
Ağırlıklı olarak Kodambakkan
bölgesine hâkim olan ve 80’li
yıllarda 130’dan fazla film
üretilen Kollywood (Tamil)
Hindistan’ın Bolyywood’dan
sonra gelen en büyük ikinci
film endüstrisi. Tollywood
ise Tollygunge bölgesindeki
filmler için kullanılan bir
ifade. Bir yılda çekilen film
sayısı 100’ü geçiyor. Ama
elbette en popüleri hatta
popüler kültürün gözbebeği;
Bollywood. Hindistan’daki en
büyük bütçeli filmlerin yapıldığı
yer. Bangalore, Calcutta,
Delhi, Cutack, Hyderabad
da Mumbai dışında en fazla
film üretilen diğer yerler
arasında. Filmlerin Hintçe
dışında Bengali, Tamil, Taluga
ve Malalayam dillerinde
çekilmesinin sebebi ise
Hindistan genelinde okuma
yazma oranı düşüklüğü.
Hint sinemasının babası olarak
anılan Dada Saheb Phalke,
1900’lü yılların başında “Raja
Harischandra” adındaki ilk
second largest movie industry
of India after Bollywood with
over 130 productions during the
80’s. Whereas Tollywood is an
expression used for movies in the
Tollygunge district. The number
of movies shot in a year surpass
100. But the most popular
one is of course Bollywood.
The place where movies with
the highest budges are shot
in India. Bangalore, Calcutta,
Delhi, Cutack and Hyderabad
are among locations where a
great number of movies are
shot outside of Mumbai. The
reason for shooting movies in
Bangalese, Tamil, Taluga and
Malalayam languages in addition
to Indian is the low ratio of
literacy in India.
Dada Saheb Phalke is known
as the father of Indian cinema
and if he had not shot the first
silent movie entitled “Raja
Harischandra” in the beginning
of the 1900’s, the history of
Indian cinema might have never
started and we would have never
been aware of this magical
world. The movie was launched
on April 21, 1913 in which the
roles of women were also acted
out by men because it was
considered a sin for women to
take part in movies. Whereas
the first output of the talking
picture movement that started in
1936 was “Alam Ara” produced
and directed by Adreshir Irani.
Indian cinema started to find its
place as a different and unique
movement amidst world cinema
with its special directing and
editing methods as well as its
different types. It is an awe-
inspiring whole new trend with its
multiculturalism, entertainment
value, its visuality that presents
known issues with a different
perspective via dances and
songs. The Indian movie scene
was judged during the first years
of its existence but thanks to
its sincerity soon got accepted
thus becoming the second in
distribution following Hollywood.
Today, Indian cinema has
succeeded in remaining in the
limelight with co-productions,
unique scenarios and stunning
visual effects and is the largest
movie industry in the world. It
has become the one and only
national movie industry that
can challenge Hollywood with a
worldwide viewer population of
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