Dergi Bursa Ekim 2015 - page 40

geçmiş zaman kipinde
past tense
Atatürk Stadyumu ve
çok sesli Bursa
Bursa’da ilk Batı müziği
konserleri de Ata’nın bu
ziyareti sırasında gerçekleşmiş
ve Bursalılar yine Atatürk
sayesinde bir yenilikle daha
tanışarak orkestra müziğine
ilgi duymaya başlamışlardı.
Okulları ziyaret etti;
öğrencilerle, öğretmenlerle
tanıştı. Bursa Kız Muallim
Mektebi’ndeki gösterileri izledi.
Bir yıl sonra yeniden gelmek ve
bu kez yaklaşık bir ay boyunca
kalmak üzere ayrıldı Bursa’dan.
20 Mayıs 1926’da başlayan
supportive of sports and athletes,
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk believed
that modern youth in Bursa had
to have a modern sports ground.
The stadium, with a covered
grandstand of 300 seats,
was completed in 1930. The
foundations of today’s Ataturk
Stadium were thus laid.
The attempt for the
assassination attempt
Following the foundation of
the republic, various methods
were tried and tested in order to
ameliorate and improve national
economy. A frequent method
was exhibitions, displaying
products which were believed to
help Turkey on its way to foreign
markets and to contribute the
economy. In this respect, the
first and most important activity
was “Traveling Exhibition” vessel,
which arrived at Mudanya during
this fifth trip by Ataturk in Bursa,
and had a dinner held in his
honor. Traveling Exhibition, which
was supervised by Ata himself,
was planned to set off for Black
Sea, Mediterranean and Atlantic
Ocean, respectively. During the
sojourn of Ataturk in Bursa, there
were preparations to assassinate
him, planned even before the
assassination attempt in Izmir.
If the assassins were brave
enough, they might have fulfilled
their objective in Bursa.
Letter of thanks in
“Turkish” alphabet from
The sixth visit of Ataturk to Bursa
was a day-trip. The same year,
however, he came back and
stayed for a week. He went to
martyrs’ memorial in Tophnane,
sat at Tophane Park and talked
with Bursa people. He visited
factories and attended a ball
organised by Bursa Turkish
Hearth. During his upcoming
visit, he left behind another
revolution to Bursa. Ataturk
introduced Turkish alphabet
to Bursa public, went to
Government Office in company
of ovation by locals and took the
blackboard previously prepared.
He asked the committee to teach
the alphabet to entire public.
In only one week, new Turkish
alphabet was learnt and Alphabet
Reform was successfully realized
in Bursa. So much so that, a
group of tradesmen from Gemlik
Atatürk Celal Bayar’a yazdığı bu mektupla Merinos ve Sunğipek fabrikalarının isimlerini belirlemişti.
Ataturk gave the names of Merinos and Sunğipek factories in this letter to Celal Bayar. (Merinos Textile and Industry Museum)
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