Atatürk’ün ve eşi Latife Hanım’ın, Tophane’de Osmangazi ve Orhangazi türbelerini ziyareti (Bursa Kent Müzesi)
Ataturk and his wife Latife Hanım visit Osman Bey and Orhan Bey mausoleums in Tophane (Bursa City Museum)
fikir hiçbir zaman hayata
geçmedi. 1933’te on üçüncü
kez Bursa’ya gelişi planlarının
dışındaydı. Bursa’dan gelen
habere göre ezanın Türkçe
okunmasına karşı çıkan bir
grup sorun yaratmış ve önce
Evkaf Müdürlüğü’nü daha
sonra ise Vilayet’i basmaya
çalışmıştı. Bunu öğrenen ve o
sırada İzmir’de bulunan Atatürk
derhal Bursa’ya geldi. “Bursa
gençliği olayı bastıracaktı
ancak polis ve adliyeye
olan güvenleri nedeniyle
karışmadı.” açıklamasını duyan
Atatürk “Bursa gençliği ne
demek? Memlekette parça
parça, yer yer gençlik yoktur;
Türk gençliği vardır” diyerek
tarihe geçen konuşmalarından
birini yaptı ve “Bursa Nutku”nu
Bursa Nutku (1933)
Türk genci, devrimlerin
ve cumhuriyetin sahibi ve
bekçisidir. Bunların gereğine,
doğruluğuna herkesten çok
inanmıştır. Yönetim biçimini
ve devrimleri benimsemiştir.
Bunları güçsüz düşürecek
en küçük ya da en büyük bir
kıpırtı ve bir davranış duydu
mu “Bu ülkenin polisi vardır,
jandarması vardır, ordusu
vardır, adalet örgütü vardır.”
demeyecektir. Elle, taşla, sopa
ve silahla; nesi varsa onunla
kendi yapıtını koruyacaktır.
Polis gelecek, asıl suçluları
bırakıp, suçlu diye onu
private and public investments
and factories. Accordingly, he
came to Bursa Powdered Milk
Factory in Iznik, inaugurated by
the then Minister of Economy
Celal Bayar. In those days,
Ata wrote to Celal Bayar and
recommended names for
factories to be established in
Bursa and Gemlik. The original
of letter is today exhibited at
Celal Bayar Museum in Umurbey,
Gemlik. The text was also a proof
of Ataturk’s efforts to simplify and
save Turkish language from the
hegemony of others. In the letter,
Ataturk recommended the names
“Merinos” for the factory in Bursa
and “Sunğipek” for the one in
Gemlik. The groundbreaking
ceremonies for factories were
held two days after his letter; and
the plants were opened in two
An honourable signature in
diaries of honour...
Ataturk did not miss these
inaugurations, which he looked
forward to, and came to Bursa
once again in February 1938. He
was too energetic and excited to
mind about whether this could
be his final visit. The honourable
Turkish public was rewarded
for its efforts and devotion,
and gradually turned into an
exemplary modern country. In
January 1938, Ata had come
to inaugurate thermal springs,
Yalova, and had fallen seriously
ill. Now it was known that he
struggled against a disease that
would cost his life. Nonetheless,
he neither cancelled his trip
schedule nor took any steps
which could dampen the
spirits of Turkish public. On 1
February 1938, he inaugurated
Sunğipek Factory in Gemlik,
before unveiling Merinos Factory,
one of the prominent industrial
establishments of the country. He
walked around in the factory and
made profound examinations,
and wrote the first lines in its
“honorary diary”: “Sümer Bank
Merinos Factory will enhance
public gaiety as a precious
work. This work will contribute
to industrial development of
Turkey, particularly of Bursa,
and help meeting vast national
requirements. I congratulate
the Minister of Economy for
achievement of hereby plant. I
express my thanks to Directorate
of Sümer Bank and wish best