Han was obliterated. Although
the tradesmen’s damages
were partially covered by the
government, many things went
up in the ashes, including the
architectural richness.
In 1978, after the Central Stop
fire that occurred again in
August new groups were formed
as a precaution to the fire
department’s inadequacy, the
personnel and pump number
increased. Following this, in 1964
the Yıldırım Fire Brigade, in 1982
Işıklar Fire Brigade, in 1989 Genç
Osman Fire Brigade, and in 1996
the Mimar Sinan Fire Brigade was
opened. The Fire Department
Management was upgraded
into Fire Department Directorate
in 1999. It now holds 73
vehicles that are in accordance
with European standards,
the personnel is located in 6
buildings and are ready to fight
fire 24 hours a day, also with an
underwater search and rescue
team, search and rescue and
mountaineer rescue team, and
a “Nuclear-Biological-Chemical
Intervention” team of 4 people.
Had there been the technology
of today, perhaps the fires that
never left Bursa in peace would
have been under control, or
never might have happened in
the first place. Perhaps, with
what remains after the fires,
what has reached to today, and
all its values that are interesting
enough to draw attention would
have enhanced the meaning
Bursa even more. Despite all the
disasters, Bursa managed to rise
from the ashes
toplam 73 aracı, tüm modern
ve teknolojik tesisatıyla 24
saat ateşle savaşmaya hazır
Bursa’nın tarihi boyunca
başından eksik olmayan
alevler, bugünün teknolojisiyle
belki daha çabuk kontrol altına
alınır belki de en başından hiç
var olmazdı. Belki de kentin
yangınlardan arta kalan hali,
günümüze kadar ulaşabilmiş,
bilinen değerleri bile yeterince
ilgi çekiciyken; yok olup
giden, ateşe yenik düşen
güzellikleri, Bursa’ya şimdi
sahip olduğundan bile daha
fazla anlam katardı. Her şeye
rağmen hep ayakta kalmayı
başaran Bursa, her seferinde
küllerinden yeniden doğdu.
bursa dokusu
bursa motifs