Dergi Bursa Eylül 2015 - page 57

the stars in the sky. The concept
of space-time resets when we
start dreaming. Dreams are areas
where all laws of physics crumble
and virtual images form. The
more we approach discovering
our own reality, the closer we get
to our reflections. We live more
than one life simultaneously in
deep dreams therefore create
a huge chaos in our minds as
we continue making different
selections in different lives. Thus,
we actually lock our own bodies
whenever we are caught in the
illusion between dream and
Dreams are our private spaces.
Regions where time can be
warped. We feed our fears in
deep sleep. We shape the events
and instances that affect us
according to our own thoughts
and wake up instantly with
sudden jolts. And sometimes we
start dreaming within a dream.
Our minds play with us between
sleep and wakefulness. We
build doors opening to different
dimensions as we try to direct
these dreams and thus try to
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