astığı aynada kendi halini
gören Frida ilk anda dehşete
kapılsa da; daha sonra o
görüntüye alıştı ve gördüklerini,
dinmeyen ağrılarına inat,
en hayat dolu renklerle
resmetmeye başladı. Küçük bir
şemsiyenin insanın kaderini,
planladığından bambaşka bir
yola çevirebileceğinin kanıtı
o trajediden sonra herkes
Frida’nın ölümünü beklerken;
o, küllerinden doğan bir anka
kuşu gibi yeniden doğdu ve
kendini tüm acılarını renklerden
çıkaracağı yeni bir hayatın
kollarına bırakmıştı. Yaptığı tam
olarak, çocukluğundan itibaren
duygularını harekete geçiren
her anı, aklındaki her şeyi, tüm
gerçekliklerini tuvale dökmek
ve anlık da olsa çektiği ağrıları
yok saymaktı. Hastalığı onu
yatağa, resim ise hayata
bağlıyordu. İlk portresini, kaza
günü aynı otobüse bindikleri
ilk aşkı Alejandro’ya armağan
etti. 1927 yılında gerçekleşen
mucize ile yürümeye başlayan
Frida, uzun süre ölümü
beklediğini sandığı yatağından
bir ressam olarak kalktı.
“Başıma gelen en iyi şey
acı çekmeye alışmaya
Frida için ressam olarak
devam edeceği hayatında
yeni bir dönem başlamıştı.
Sanat ve politika çevrelerinden
insanlarla tanışıyor, davetlerde
gösteriyordu. Politik görüşüne
uygun olarak, 1929 yılında
Meksika Komünist Partisi’nin
resmi bir parçası oldu. Ulusal
Hazırlık Okulu yıllarında görüp,
pelvic bone. When she was taken
to the hospital her collarbone and
a couple of her ribs were broken.
Her right leg had eleven fractures,
her pelvic bone had three. She
was hospitalized for a month and
the doctors thought it impossible
for her to live. Her spine and leg
was in constant pain. When she
was released a month later, she
went home, immobilized. She
could neither find a solution for
the pain nor give up on life. The
economic condition of her family
deteriorated every day. One
terrible thing came after another.
It was as if they were trying to
make life harder for Frida. In
her own words, she was “a bird
that wanted to fly, but could
not”. Though traumatized at first
by her own image in the mirror
her family hung over the ceiling
above her bed, her living space,
Frida later embraced the image
and started to paint what she saw
using vibrant colors in spite of the
unremitting pains. As if to prove
how a small umbrella might derail
your destiny, after the tragedy,
while everyone was waiting for
Frida’s death she was reborn
from her ashes like a phoenix and
gave in to a new life where she
would avenge all her suffering
using colors. What she did was,
pour on canvas every moment
that arouse her feelings since
childhood, everything on her
mind, with all its reality and ignore
the pain even for an instant. Her
illness bound her to bed, painting
to life. She dedicated her first
portrait to her first love Alejandro
who was in the same bus her.
With a miracle in 1927 she started
walking; Frida got out of the bed
where she laid for a long time,
waiting for death, as an artist.
“The best thing that
happened to me was
getting used to the pain”
For Frida, a new chapter of
life began, one which she will
continue as a painter. She met
people from the art and politics
societies, appeared in events. In
line with her political ideas, she
became an official member of
the Mexican Communist Party.
She had the opportunity meet the
painter Diego Rivera, considered
as the Michelangelo of Mexico,
evrensel sanat
universal art