Dergi Bursa Aralık/Ocak 2013 - page 114

yapılan filmde onu başarıyla
canlandıran Salma Hayek,
albümünde ve hayat tarzında
etkilerinin görüldüğü Nazan
Öncel bile var.
“Çıkış yolunun güzel
olacağını ve asla geri
dönmeyeceğimi umarım.”
50’li yıllarda bacağının kangren
sebebiyle kesilmesi, bağışıklık
sisteminin zayıflaması ve
akciğer hastalığı nedeniyle
yeniden yatağa bağlandı.
Ameliyatlar, ilaçlar, doktorlar
hayatından hiç eksik olmadı.
1954 yılındaki ölümünden bir
süre önce yaptığı son resmine
verdiği “Yaşasın Yaşam” ismi,
hayata karşı takındığı alaycı
tavra yakışır acı bir kahkaha
gibiydi. Frida hiçbir zaman
“hasta” olduğunu kabul
etmedi. Sadece paramparça
bir bedene sahipti ve resim
yapabildiği sürece bu bir
sorun değildi. Acılarına
yenilmek yerine onlarla
olgunlaşmayı seçen Frida,
aşkına ve sanatına olduğu gibi
hayata da tutkuyla bağlıydı.
Doğduğu, küllerinin saklandığı
ve şu anda müze olan “Mavi
Ev”de öldü. Her şeyi yazdığı
günlüğünün son sayfasındaki
“Çıkış yolunun güzel olacağını
ve asla geri dönmeyeceğimi
umarım.” sözüyle intihar
etmiş olabileceğinden
şüphelenilse de, bu onu
tanıyan hiç kimsenin ona
yakıştıramayacağı bir
durumdu. Ne fiziksel ne de
duygusal acılarına yenilmeden,
tam anlamıyla başarılı bir
hayat sürdü Frida Kahlo.
Neşeli görünümünün altında
sakladığı utangaç çocuğu
hiçbir zaman büyütmedi. Kendi
ve ülkesi adına hep direnmeyi
tercih etti. Yalnızca kitaplara,
filmlere, belgesellere değil;
umutsuzluğunda kaybolmuş
tüm insanlara ilham olacak bir
yaşamın sahibiydi. Yaşamak
için girdiği ateşli savaşı tek
başına kazandı. Ödülü ise
“ölümsüzlük” oldu.
painting, she painted everything
she saw in her mirror which she
calls “the executioner of my days
and nights”. She mostly painted
what she knew best, herself.
She painted the suffering of not
being a mother, the pets she
kept to ease this pain, her deep
commitment to her roots, her
sensitivity towards her society,
her rebellious and revolutionary
spirit, her feminist attitude, her
love, her pain, her passion...
In short, Frida painted what it
means to be Frida. When the
doctors told her she should
not leave bed, Frida Kahlo was
“special” enough to go to her
own art show on her own bed.
She mingled her own struggle
for “standing on her own feet”
with the freedom struggle of her
country; she was a cultural and
artistic “icon” and she crossed
boundaries. A symbol for every
era, every woman, every culture;
the most colorful proof that if you
want to live, you can always find
a reason. Among the women
walking on her footsteps are
Madonna who is said to have
more than 50 of her paintings
in her collection, Salma Hayek
who successfully portrayed her
in the movie Frida, and Turkish
pop singer Nazan Öncel who has
apparent effects of her in her life
and in her works.
“I hope the exit is joyful and
I hope never to return.”
She was bedridden in the
50s, after the amputation of
her leg due to gangrene, her
compromised immune system,
and her lung defects. She
was never without surgeries,
medicine, doctors. The name
she gave to her final painting
before her death in 1954, “Viva
la Vida (Live the Life)” was like a
paradoxical laughter, fit for her
sarcastic attitude towards life.
Frida never accepted that she
was “ill”. It was just that she had
a body torn into pieces and as
long as she could paint, that was
OK. Instead of succumbing to
pain, she chose to grow with it
and passionately clung onto life
as she did to her love and her
art. She died in the Blue House
(La Casa Azul), which is today
a museum, where she was born
and where her ashes are being
kept. Although it is suspected
that she might have ended her
own life by reading her words
“I hope the exit is joyful and I
hope never to return” in the last
pages of her journal where she
wrote it all, no one who really
knew her could believe it. She
was defeated neither by the
physical nor the emotional pain
life threw her way. She led a fully
successful life. She kept the shy
little kid alive under a cheerful
exterior. She resisted for herself
and for her country. Her life did
not inspire only books, movies,
documentaries but people lost in
despair. She survived the flaming
battle of life. And the reward was
evrensel sanat
universal art
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